
Most people, without knowing it, likely clench and grind their teeth at night. This is often a result or stress or anxiety, which comes to play at nighttime when your jaw muscles clench. Over time, this can create problems for the teeth, excessive tooth enamel wear or fractures of existing fillings. For some patients, jaw problems develop where they “click” when they open or close, or have even locked open/closed.

A great preventative solution is a custom-fit night guard which acts as a plane for the teeth to touch against. This appliance is worn mostly at night and prevents your teeth from grinding against each other, protecting them from wear. It also opens the teeth a little so that less pressure is felt in the jaw and muscles.


At the first visit, digital intraoral scans are taken to create accurate records of the teeth. These molds are sent to the laboratory which fabricates the nightguard in 1-2 weeks. At your second visit, Dr. Lin will try in the guard and make sure it fits properly. She may make some adjustments to ensure that all teeth are contacting appropriately.


Daily use of the nightguard is encouraged to prevent problems from worsening. If any areas feel uncomfortable, make sure you come in asap to check if the guard needs any adjustment. You should leave it out to dry during the day and wash with an extra toothbrush and mild soap and water every morning. When you come in for your dental visit, make sure to bring it with you so we can freshen it in our ultrasonic cleaner!